The Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District (Upper District) marked history recently with the swearing-in of Directors Anthony R. Fellow, Ph.D., and Jennifer Santana. Director Fellow will become the longest serving board member in Upper District history, serving 27 years since first elected in 1991. Upon her election Director Santana is the first female director to serve on the Board of Directors.
In celebration of the occasion, local elected officials, legislative representatives, and water community members were among the guests who attended this momentous ceremony. Representatives on behalf of State Senator Susan Rubio, Assemblymember Ed Chau, Assemblymember Blanca Rubio and Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis presented certificates of recognition, as well as Mayor Andre Quintero of the City of El Monte and Mayor Pro Tem April Verlato of the City of Arcadia.
Director Fellow was sworn into office by friend and colleague, Mayor Pro Tem April Verlato. Following his oath, Fellow commented on his commitment to ensure a safe and reliable water supply for the region’s future. He also expressed excitement in celebrating the District’s 60th anniversary of its incorporation next year. He will continue to serve as Upper District’s representative on the Main San Gabriel Basin Watermaster and on the Association of California Water Agencies’ Region 8 board. Fellow represents the cities of Arcadia, Bradbury, Monrovia, Temple City and parts of Azusa and El Monte.
Director Santana was administered the oath of office by her predecessor Director Bryan Urias of Division 5. She will now represent the cities of Baldwin Park, Duarte, El Monte and a portion of Irwindale. Santana is a certified Cytogeneticist at the City of Hope, a nationally recognized comprehensive cancer research hospital located in Duarte. She intends to use her science and research backgrounds to find innovative solutions for regional water sustainability and promote water awareness to her communities.
“This was a historic election for Upper District, in that the public made history by electing the longest serving board member and the first female board member,” said Board President Ed Chavez. “We are proud to enter our 60th year of incorporation with varied representation that will benefit the District and the communities we serve in the years to come.”
The Upper District is governed by five elected directors representing geographic divisions within Upper District’s boundaries. Each is elected to serve a four year term. Currently, the Board includes Directors Ed Chavez, president (Division 3); Alfonso “Al” Contreras, vice president (Division 4); Charles Treviño, treasurer (Division 2); Anthony Fellow, secretary (Division 1); and Jennifer Santana (Division 5).
Upper District’s mission is to provide a reliable, sustainable, diversified and affordable portfolio of high quality water supplies to the San Gabriel Valley; including water conservation, recycled water, storm water capture, storage, water transfers and imported water. Upper District services nearly one million people in its 144-square-mile service territory. Governed by a five-member elected board of directors, Upper District is a member agency of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Annually, more than 78 billion gallons of water is used in Upper District’s service area. For more information about Upper District, visit upperdistrict.org or call (626) 443-2297.