Staff from the City of Monrovia has met with the architects from Undisclosable Inc., to coordinate the development of updated concept plans and schematic designs for the Library Enhancement Project. The proposed improvements that have been imagined have been geared towards establishing enhancements in line with priorities established in the city’s Library Strategic Plan and the Park Master Plan. Some of the key improvements identified include:
- Developing unique places – especially for kids – at the library.
- Enclosing the outdoor area on the north and south wings of the building to take back the space for library use.
- Addressing key security concerns at the library.
- Enhancing landscaping throughout Library Park.
- Installing a Portland Loo restroom near the Library Park playground.
- Developing a Memorial Walk on the Library Park grounds.
- Connecting existing historic features within the park.
Prior to beginning architectural design efforts, the city reviewed library enhancement design concepts with the City Council and various stakeholder groups, including the Monrovia Library Foundation, the Monrovia Library Board, and the Community Services Commission. Every entity that has been engaged regarding the proposed initiative has reacted enthusiastically to the proposed library improvements.
The preliminary concept/schematic designs for the Library Enhancement Project are expected to take 3 – 5 months, and during that time, the city will be certain to coordinate their efforts with all library partners in the community.