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Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Independent Reader Responds to ‘No Taxation Without Clarification?’

Reader Responds to ‘No Taxation Without Clarification?’

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Reader writes about Measures I and J. – Courtesy photo

Dear Editor

It seems to me that there is still no clarification on Measures I and J. Only that the additional revenue from measure I will continue to fill the City’s general fund for unspecified uses. That the current city budget process isn’t working because the present city council has approved past and current budgets while all these regional sales tax measures were being passed by voters and Pasadena did get some of their share of that money as well.

Measure I wants us to believe that the additional sales tax money, only for the city of Pasadena, will solve all our financial problems because it will be a continuing source of revenue, ending when the people vote it down in the future?

When have you ever seen a tax measure in the city taken away? Maybe a bond issue for a stated time and purpose and interest rate. Our measure I is totally open ended and unspecified as to what it will fix? Only a promise!

There is a hint and a scare in the Independent news article that the county is cooking up additional sales tax measures to max out Pasadena tax rate of 10.25%. Just how long do you think it will take for that number to be changed? How did it get to be that number in the first place? It was changed!

The other uses without clarifications was the Police and Fire Departments. Of the 6 uses stated in flyers and news stories, 3 were related to Police and Fire uses. The other 3 are not clarified either. How much will be spent on the homeless, how much with afternoon programs for schools and seniors and road repairs?

The final clarification needed is how long does the city need to clear the Pension Story in the city and how long will it take to clear the deadwood high salary employees who feel entitled to make bad decisions without repercussions? With all the development going on in this city, our city should be reaping more than enough money with property taxes as well as the existing sales tax revenue coming into the general fund? Maybe the increase tax will have a different impact and hurt those businesses trying to stay in business here in Pasadena?

Richard L


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