In 2017, California experienced the most destructive wildfire season on record, including the devastating Thomas Fire in Ventura County. Disasters like wildfires and earthquakes will happen, and the city wants you and your family to be prepared when it does.
You can learn lifesaving skills like CPR and first aid, or know how to take practical safety steps like shutting off water and gas. It could be as simple as checking your insurance policies and coverages for emergencies such as floods and earthquakes.
Earthquakes in California are inevitable, so whether you’re at home, school, or work, get ready to drop, cover, and hold on, for the Great California ShakeOut drill, which is happening on Thursday, Oct. 18 at 10:18 a.m. Join the 6.6 million Californians and practice how to protect yourself during earthquakes. You can visit ready.gov or shakeout.org to learn more about how to prepare.
To receive free public safety alerts from the Monrovia Police and Fire Departments, sign up for Nixle alerts.