By Staff
Now through October 31, the allowed outdoor irrigation days in Arcadia are Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays before 9 a.m. and after 6 p.m.
The best time to irrigate your lawn is early morning or late evening. Avoid irrigating your lawn during the middle of the day through the late afternoon when heat and evaporation are at their highest. If you find your trees, flowers or shrubs still thirsty, hand watering is allowed within the time frame by bucket or by hose, with a shut-off nozzle attached. To avoid water waste while keeping your plants hydrated, walk the line when your system is on to ensure valves and sprinkler heads are not broken or clogged.
Additionally, the City of Arcadia offers a free irrigation audit for its residents. Poorly functioning sprinklers and over-watered landscapes waste water and increase the number of pollutants flowing into storm drains. Water is mostly wasted in your garden in months prior to, or just after, the rainy season when intermittent rains occur and you water plants that do not need the water.
Schedule a free irrigation audit by calling the Public Works Services Department at (626) 254-2700.