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Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Independent Vegan Veggie Shack Debut and The Cat Café Lounge Were Among The Many Surprise Findings At Eat Drink Vegan In Pasadena

Vegan Veggie Shack Debut and The Cat Café Lounge Were Among The Many Surprise Findings At Eat Drink Vegan In Pasadena

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The CatCafé Lounge, which is the only non-profit cat cafe in Los Angeles and one of four in the United States, guarantees that
100% of the donations support its goal of decreasing euthanizations by increasing adoptions while socializing cats
-Photo by Lauren Lewis

By Lauren Lewis

This past weekend at the Rose Bowl, an estimated 10,000 hungry, thirsty, compassionate, and like-minded people attended the ninth annual Eat Drink Vegan festival.

They weren’t hungry or thirsty for long though as more than 100 highly-curated restaurants and plant-based food vendors were on hand while some 250 beverages, including vegan beer and wine, flowed freely.

Among the popular vendors, and a surprising one at that, was Shake Shack.  Far from its New York roots and beef burgers, Shake Shack was at the event to introduce its new vegan Veggie Shack which was making its festival debut. The veggie burger is made with black beans, brown rice, and beads top with lettuce, tomato, onions, pickles, and a vegan mustard mayo on a gluten-free bun.

“The veggie burger was something we been working on for about two years because we wanted to make sure we got it perfect for vegans and vegetarians,” explained Shake Shack’s Nicole Orchard. “A cheeseburger version is in the works as well.”

The Vegan Veggie Shack is currently only available in California at the eateries’ West Hollywood and Glendale locations but will soon be offered throughout the state.

The CatCafé Lounge, which is the only non-profit cat cafe in Los Angeles and one of four in the United States, guarantees that

100% of the donations support its goal of decreasing euthanizations by increasing adoptions while socializing cats.

under Kristi Labrenz-Galvan shared that in the four months since the CatCafé Lounge has been open, 45 cats have been adopted and more than 80 have been saved from being euthanized.

“Our unique partnership allows us to save the truly at-risk cats such as adults, kittens, cats with minor medical issues, and “ferals,” shared Labrenz-Galavan who also mentioned that they work a lot with Stray Cat Alliance. “At any given time, we have between 30-35 cats ranging from 6 months to 10 years; all which came from high-risk shelters and all up for adoption.”

Even if someone is not able to adopt, visiting the cats and socializing with the animals is a huge value to them. It helps them trust people again.

“So many of the cats that have come out of the shelter system are terrified,” said Labrenz-Galavan. “Having them in our space, we have seen so many come out of their shells which is so beautiful.”

“Leather” loafers made from pineapple leaves, vegan apparel, an assortment of non-profit organizations, and one-of-a-kind artwork that gives back to help animals were also among the Eat Drink Vegan’s many offerings.

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