The Pasadena Public Health Department (PPHD) has launched a campaign to inform the public about the health effects of cannabis, commonly known as marijuana.
The goal of the local educational campaign is to raise awareness about the health effects of cannabis use and the legal consequences of cannabis consumption while driving, which can impair driving abilities. The ads are focused on reaching youth and marijuana users, and will be placed inside Pasadena Transit buses.
On November 9, 2016, California voters approved Proposition 64, known as the “Adult Use of Marijuana Act” or “AUMA”, which legalized the recreational use and small-scale personal cultivation of cannabis for individuals age 21 and older. On January 2, 2018, the proposition allowed for the sale and taxation of recreational marijuana. Although the sale of cannabis continues to be prohibited in Pasadena, education to protect the health of Pasadena residents is necessary due to the availability of cannabis from sources outside of Pasadena and home-grown or home-made cannabis products.
City Health Officer Dr. Ying-Ying Goh said, “Of the 11th grade students at Pasadena Unified School District, 26% self-reported having had tried marijuana, according to the 2016-2017 California Healthy Kids Survey. There is substantial evidence of the association between cannabis use and increased risk of motor vehicle crashes, including in states that have legalized recreational marijuana. We want to educate everyone in our community, and especially youth, about the health risks related to marijuana use.”
The current campaign was developed with input from several local youth organizations, including the Pasadena Cigarette Stompers, Day One, Pasadena Youth Council, PPHD Youth Advisory Board, and Rose City High School students.
For facts and resources to make safe and informed decisions on cannabis use, visit here. For more information about the media campaign, call the PPHD Substance Abuse Prevention and Control Program at (626) 744-6042.