By Emily G. Peters
The Bee Cottage in Pasadena is a feast for the decorative eye; every corner crammed with something to beautify the home or office—especially for the seasons. This month, Easter is on full display, showcasing owner Nicole Robeson’s skill at capturing the spirit of holidays throughout the year.
“I wear many hats at The Bee Cottage, including, but not limited to, owner, buyer, floral designer, visual merchandiser and sales associate,” said Robeson, who founded her boutique in 2012. “The Bee Cottage specializes in fine silk botanicals (florals/plants), beautiful home accessories, holiday and seasonal decor, wall decor and unique gifts.”
Robeson sets her shop apart by providing a more hands-on approach to sprucing up your space.
“We offer home accessorizing, which is what I like to call ‘putting the icing on’ or making your house a home,” explained Robeson, who offers a home accessorizing service to help people pull their living space together. “Sometimes people just need another eye to finish up decorating their home. They may have great accessories, but have them in the wrong spot. We’ll either bring in new home accessories from the shop, use what you have or both to give another perspective.”

Robeson and her staff also design and create all of their own floral arrangements, wreaths, holiday garlands and holiday centerpieces on site. Now firmly settled in her corner of the many charming markets on South Lake Avenue, the designer is happy with her space.
“I’ve had a positive experience and a very kind reception to the Pasadena area. My customers have told me that there is nothing like The Bee Cottage in the area anymore,” said Robeson. She’s taken advantage of the city’s support by participating in the Pasadena Showcase House of Design and The Holiday Look-In for the last three years.
“There we donate 25 percent of our sales to fund non-profit programs for community-based music programs, therapy, education and scholarships. We also donate to various schools in the area, both public and private, as well as the Pasadena Humane society.”
Though The Bee Cottage’s market is specific, Robeson finds that the boutique serves as a respite for those who are burned out on too many online options.
“With the onslaught of internet shopping sites, people are looking for other places to go that offer a customizable product,” said Robeson. “I have people come to me looking for inspiration and design advice and have created a niche business because of this. I love where I’m at and my location!”
The Bee Cottage is located at 496 S. Lake Avenue in Pasadena. Contact the shop at www.beecottagepasadena.com | 626.396.9007 | beecottagepasadena@gmail.com and follow along on Facebook @beecottagepasadena.