Gossip and Innuendo Plague the Political Landscape in Arcadia
“Most voters in Arcadia have no idea what is going on in this election. In fact, most voters don’t even know we have districts,” -Tom Beck
By Terry Miller
By all accounts, political races and battles are nasty, ugly and even downright jaw-dropping at times. Enter Arcadia’s municipal race and its new district(s) and you have a potential for confusion and misinformation.
Last week, mild mannered Arcadia councilman, Tom Beck, became the latest victim of what has become a disturbing trend on social media and blogs more commonly known as “bullying.” In this particular instance, the attack was on a local blog called Arcadia’s Best which, as it turns out, is run by another councilmember on the dais, Mayor Pro Tem Sho Tay.
On this particular blog, Arcadia’s Best you’ll find derogatory comments on a page that is very thinly veiled as an announcement for an upcoming candidate forum in March: http://arcadiasbest.com/2018/02/arcadia-city-council-candidate-forum-for-2018/
Not only is there no story, but if the blog claims the candidates are placed (‘in alphabetical order’) for the March 7 forum, someone needs to tell the editor (aka Tay) that the name Harbicht is definitely later in the alphabet than Chandler. At least, this was the alphabet I was taught.
The piece and the corresponding comments raised many an eyebrow last week.
“Most voters in Arcadia have no idea what is going on in this election. In fact, most voters don’t even know we have districts,” Tom Beck told beacon Media last week.
“Sho Tay took over Arcadia’s Best (A.B.) from Scott Hettrick when Scott moved away two years ago. Sho states in required government disclosure forms that he owns Arcadia’s best. The morning that the hit piece on me came out it was Sho that sent it to me. He said his site had been hacked. I told him to take it down. He would not take it down. The byline said it was written by Scott Hettrick so I emailed Scott to ask if he wrote it and he said absolutely ‘no’. He said he has had nothing to do with A.B. since he left. Sho emailed me that he does not own A.B. that Scott owns it. Sho will admit that he is at least the ‘editor’ and controls the site day-to-day.”
Tom Beck told Arcadia Weekly that “Sho Tay has been working daily to do whatever he can to make sure I am not re-elected and that Harbicht is elected. I told Sho that I have no problem with that as that is his right as a resident of Arcadia.”
“I told Sho that what I object to is the lies and mistruths he spreads about me on Facebook and his WeChat sites. I also told him ‘hit pieces’ like the one front and center on A.B. which he either owns or controls is not in keeping with the dignity of Arcadia.”
The last election was an absolute low for Arcadia. I will not be part of this effort to embarrass our great city.” Tom Beck