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Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Monrovia Weekly Old Town Monrovia Report (2/8/18)

Old Town Monrovia Report (2/8/18)

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Old Town Monrovia. – Photo by Terry Miller / Beacon Media News

By Pam Fitzpatrick

Once in a while, you’ll notice that I sneak in a few words about events outside of the Old Town perimeters, and I’m about to do that again this week. I’ve been pondering my last visit to Pasadena’s Speaker Series where I got to hear Ted Koppel’s thoughts on the state of today’s news – talking heads vs. on-the-spot reporting, etc. There was opportunity for a question and answer period, and one of the most interesting comments of the night concerned Mr. Koppel’s thoughts on the importance of community newspapers. I agree with him that we’re up to our eyeballs in national political news, but we’re looking for local news, about the things that directly affect our lives here in hometown America.

So, for some community news, let’s start with a proposed new project to be located at 824 S. Myrtle, which is just a couple of blocks south of Old Town. The proposal is for 154 units (don’t know if they are to be leased or sold), 2,900 square feet of retail and a 286-space parking structure. For those who don’t mind a short walk, this could mean more parking for Old Town proper. Also of note, there was recently a county-wide homeless count, and as of that updated count, Monrovia now has 35 homeless, which is considerably less than the last count. The City is working on a four-pronged approach to our homeless issue: 1. Regular and Consistent Community Outreach; 2. Coordinate a Hepatitis A/Public Health Program at the end of February 2018; 3. Schedule a City Council Study Session in late February/early March to consider some rule changes; 4. Press forward with proposed infrastructure upgrades. Watch for meeting dates and times for more information. And lastly, rumor has it that W. Maple Avenue, just above Huntington Blvd., will soon be the home of two new breweries.

As for Old Town proper, there’s real movement in Frooza (600 block where Candy Connection was). Looks like the floors have been refinished, counter installed, and lots of boxes waiting to opened. A quick check up at the new Sanrio store in Foothill Plaza was encouraging – looks like any day now! Ted Goldbeck from Studio Movie Grill, our Old Town Film Liaison, tells us there will be a photo shoot around Old Town this Thursday (2/8) for a clothing company called Lu La Roe. Expect lots of leggings….

Yes, the shuttle is still running from Station Square to Old Town on Friday nights; yes, the Valentine’s Day Carriage Rides will be back on Wednesday, February 14th from 6-10 p.m. beginning and ending at Library Park (321 S. Myrtle). Advance ticket sales available beginning February 5th at 626-932-5562. Price is $10 per person, $40 per private ride. On April 21st the Old Town Wine Walk returns, so save the date.

And a must save-the-date is March 1st 6 p.m. for the annual Monrovia Reads “So All May Read” event at the Double Tree by Hilton (924 W. Huntington). Jim Hunt wins the Literacy Legacy Award, and Monrovia wins a new mobile library with our help. See you all there!

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