Tom Beck’s Candidate Statement
This election will be different from all previous Arcadia elections. In 2017 the Arcadia City Council voted 3-2 to go to ‘district elections’ instead of ‘at large elections’. I voted “NO” (as did Council woman Verlato) to this change.
Only two districts, #2 & #5, will actually have a contested election this cycle. My district is #2 which generally is bordered by Orange Grove on the North, Michillinda on the West, Huntington on the South, and Santa Anita on the East.
I was a first time candidate running in 2014 and was elected and I am proud to have served as Arcadia Mayor 2016-2017. My individual accomplishments over this first term have covered many areas. A complete list of 16 individual accomplishments may be found at www.Beck4council.com. A few of my individual accomplishments are public safety I introduced the Ring doorbell discount program to Arcadia. Ring doorbell has proven to reduce crime and has been immensely popular. The manufacturer of Ring provides discounts on their products to Arcadia residents. The unintended effect of state law AB109 and propositions 47 and 57 seems to have led to an increase in crime in our city.
I have taken the initiative to meet with other local elected officials (Mayors of Duarte, Monrovia, Temple City, La Canada, South Pasadena) so we will have a collective voice in addressing the uptick in crime. I will continue this effort until we get legislative relief. Protecting Trees In a two-step process I sought ordinances to protect trees in Arcadia, beginning with the Sycamore and later applying this to most other trees. Most trees in Arcadia are now protected and can only be removed with a permit. Legal Affairs Subcommittee I have worked 34 years as a litigation attorney. I have used my background to help guide the city through claims and lawsuits. I initiated a subcommittee of the City Council to monitor legal costs, initiate cost saving strategies, and lined up additional law firms to represent the city on an as-needed basis.
There are many challenges facing Arcadia in the next four years. The two that concern me the most are Public Safety and our Fiscal Challenges.
Crime in Arcadia is my #1 concern and is something I think about every day. Whenever the Police Department has asked for any resources, I have always backed their request. I have, on two occasions, asked to have more license plate “readers” on roads leading into Arcadia so our police can be alerted when known criminal offenders come into our city. During the next four years, my intention is to fight the CRIME in three ways. First, give our police the resources to maximize their efforts to address crime. Second, continue to educate our residents on how to strengthen their security thereby making burglaries more difficult and risky for the criminals, for example the Ring doorbell program. Third continue my efforts to get legislative relief in Sacramento and educate our state legislators on the effect the early release of felons is having on Arcadia and other affluent cities.
At the time I was elected to the Arcadia City Council, there was a $130,000,000 deficit in the funding for our employee pensions. CALPERS, the administrator of our employee pensions is significantly increasing the amount of money Arcadia must allocate every year for said pensions. This coming fiscal year we will likely have a deficit budget and will have to use reserves to balance our budget. Deficit budgets will likely continue into the future. Anyone who follows City Council meetings knows I’m fiscally conservative. I plan to continue to look for ways to save money and increase efficiency in our city.
I believe in reasonable development and I am supported in this election by All Four HOAs and ARBs in district 2. I’m also proud to be endorsed and supported by the three former Mayors on district 2- Mickey Segal, Gary Kovacic, and George Fasching. I am not backed or financially supported by ‘special interests.’ It has been one of my greatest honors to serve the residents of Arcadia. I would like to continue the work I have started and serve one final term on the City Council.

Roger Chandler Candidate Statement
Roger received his Master’s Degree in Public Administration at the University of Southern California. At 21 years of age, Roger joined the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and was with them for 24 years. After retiring from the Sheriff’s Department, he went on to become the Chief of Police for the Los Angeles City Housing Authority and in 1994 he created the City of Hawaiian Gardens Police Department. Roger and his wife Jane have lived in Arcadia for over 40 years and have two sons.
Elected to five terms on the Arcadia City Council and serving three times as Mayor, Roger has consistently demonstrated a commitment to ensuring Arcadia residents receive outstanding public service. Public safety, water quality and the provision of effective and efficient municipal services are important to Mr. Chandler and he looks forward to continuing his work to maintain the high quality of life and traditions that Arcadians cherish.

Bob Harbicht Candidate Statement
I am very proud of my successful career on the Arcadia City Council and have significant experience in running a city:
-Several terms Mayor of Arcadia, 20 years City Council
– Mayor and City Councilman in Duarte
-Business know-how 30 years President of a nationally known marketing research consulting firm, which I founded (Harbicht Research, Inc.)
During the years I served on the Arcadia City Council nearly every public building was replaced or renewed:
-Arcadia Community Center
-Arcadia Police Station
-Santa Anita Fire Station
-Baldwin & Huntington Fire Station
-Arcadia Public Library
-Arcadia Historical Museum
-Gold line bridge over Santa Anita
-Arcadia Public Works City Yard
-20-Year sewer plan
-25-Year water plan
I have demonstrated a deep commitment to Arcadia:
-Named Arcadia “Citizen of the Year” in 2014
-President, Arcadia Educational Foundation
-Chairman, Lucky Baldwin District (9 cities), Boy Scouts of America
-President, Arcadia Rotary Club
-President, Arcadia High School Drill Team Booster Club
-Founding Board Member, Arcadia Public Library Foundation
-Board Member, AYSO Soccer, Arcadia Red Cross and others too numerous to mention
I feel there are three key issues facing Arcadia at the present time: crime, property rights and calm, collected, knowledgeable decision making.
In the area of crime, Arcadia has always been a safe community. But in recent years we have seen crime particularly burglaries skyrocket. Who ever thought there would be electronic signs in the streets saying something to the effect, “Lots of burglaries in this area, watch out?” The wave of crime that has hit our city must be addressed!
Private property rights have been under attack in Arcadia. The latest government takeover of our property rights is the so-called “Historic Preservation Ordinance.” This would allow government or your neighbors to declare your home a “historic resource” without your permission, thus severely limiting your ability to remodel, add onto, or modify it. While protecting truly historic structures is admirable, there must be a limit on government infringement on our property rights.
I have always taken a long-term view of city government. The renewal of our public buildings and long-range planning of our water and sewer infrastructure are examples of this long-range planning and thinking. Keep in mind that this economic renewal has been done without jeopardizing Arcadia’s fiscal security. I know how to manage both a business and government.

Joyce Platt Candidate Statement
I spent my professional career as a teacher for the Arcadia Unified School district. I enjoyed the students I taught, the people I met, and the experiences I had during my 30+ years in Arcadia’s classrooms. My husband and I have also lived in Arcadia since 1976. These connections helped develop my passion for our hometown. It is this love of Arcadia that leads me to want to join the Arcadia City Council and be a part of Arcadia’s future.
My top priorities are:
-Reducing crime and enhancing neighborhood safety; making sure our streets are safe and our police, fire, and paramedic services are strong.
-Reasonable and responsible residential building standards and compatible commercial development.
-Fiscally sound and balanced budgets that promote transparency and accountability and eliminate wasteful spending.
-Maintaining the high quality education for which Arcadia is well known
Enhance and expand programs for youth and seniors.
Being a prominent and influential leader in many aspects of education in both the District and the individual schools, in which I taught, along with leadership in volunteer activities enables me to address the known and unknown issues that confront Arcadia now and in the future. I will bring my ability to get things done and strong work ethic to the City Council along with independence, common sense and respect for others. I am a clear new choice, and a clear new voice, for Arcadia. I feel confident that by adding my leadership skills to the City Council, we can continue to make Arcadia a city of excellence and move forward in the next four years.
I have interacted with thousands of Arcadia residents during my teaching career and many years of volunteering. I know what it means to be involved in the life of our community and take time to listen to all Arcadians.
Planning for the future of Arcadia means having a strong independent local government, a prosperous business community and maintaining Arcadia’s many residential qualities.
Currently there is an expansion of new business areas and mixed-use areas being planned for the City of Arcadia, but along with the new development we need to look at our current business areas such as Baldwin Avenue and revitalize those areas and make them more client friendly.
I believe that the biggest challenge in the next four years is long-term financial sustainability. This is becoming more difficult as it’s a function of what happens in the state legislature and what happens with the economy along with pension costs and unfunded liabilities.

Sho Tay Candidate Statement
It has been a pleasure to serve as your councilman for the last four years. We’ve made great strides. We’ve balanced our budget without tax increases. We’ve increased our crime-fighting tools by adding canines, bait packages to catch porch thieves, and expanding neighborhood watch programs. Finally, we’re reducing homelessness within Arcadia by having police officers outreach with mental health professionals.
I have used my business experience to keep our city government operating efficiently and cost-effectively. We still have challenges. I want to bring more attention to public safety by sponsoring a citywide program to install doorbell cameras and alarm systems. We will look at new technology to aid our law enforcement. And we need to preserve the special qualities that make Arcadia unique.
As a Chinese-American and Arcadian for over three decades, I’ll bring a unique perspective and reignite the spirit of volunteerism and community which has made Arcadia one of the most desirable cities to raise a family.
As we shift to Council districts, my goal is to ensure every neighborhood in Arcadia is treated equally. I would like your vote for 3rd District Councilman. Thank you.

Jolly Wu Candidate Statement
In 2000 I moved to the City of Arcadia. I brought the concept of equal opportunity for accessibility to the city council by advocating free roll out service from Waste Management for people with physical hardships. In the same year I participated in an effort to successfully rezone my neighborhood from R2 to R1 in order to prevent developers from constructing a huge apartment complex on 3rd Ave., Lee Ave., and Greenfield.
In 2001 and following years, I worked with County Park and Recreation officials, and with help from county supervisors, more than $1.03 million was provided to make the Arboretum more friendly to people who have physical hardships so that no child or family members will be left behind.
In the late 2000s I participated in Congressman David Dreier’s home town meeting regularly and brought up issues and concerns about Arcadia, including how Methodist Hospital was not accepting Blue Cross insurance, which most government workers and small business owners had.
In 2012, to prevent pedestrian injures and increase accessibility to people who walk and people who use strollers, wheelchairs, and walkers, I brought the problem of uneven sidewalk conditions on Live Oak Ave. to the city’s attention, and the city repaired several sidewalk locations.
In 2016 several senior citizens and I formed the Arcadia Transportation Task force to insure that Dial-A-Ride funding was properly used for seniors and disabled people only. This led to introducing the option of transporting school children by professional well-trained school bus drivers to increase the safety of school children. The Task force also advocated repairing uneven sidewalk in the business district on Foothill Blvd. This prompted the city to repair several locations on Foothill Blvd.
In 2017 the Task force advocated that Arcadia Dial-A-Ride should be for residents only in order to provide more efficient service to our residents. The Task force also assisted the city evaluate the ability of different transportation companies to provide safe and efficient service to seniors, disabled people, and the general public. I also advocated for accessible restrooms and stage in the city council chamber building in order to make the chamber friendlier to people with physical hardships who need to get on the stage for an award or to use the restroom. I also attended a Nutrition Science and Food Policy Summit with a group of scientists and federal, state agriculture, and county health officials to develop the Nutrition and Food guideline and the healthy community concept.
With its growing population, Arcadia will have increasing traffic problems. Any future development needs to consider traffic and safe pedestrian crossing issues. Stopping the increasing crime rate and bringing the feeling of safety and security back to our residents will be imminent issues for the next four years.
I plan to work hard to make Arcadia:
A Healthy Community by
-Promoting the concept of healthy community throughout Arcadia.
-Allowing Dial-A-Ride to take passengers to medical appointments in surrounding cities.
-Working closely with Vector agency to prevent outbreaks of West Nile disease.
-Inspiring students to focus on education and involve in community by working closely with school board.
A city with Reduce Crime by:
-Helping to coordinate local resources and form a program to address homelessness in Arcadia.
-Increasing neighborhood watch programs until every street participates
A City with Improved Traffic and Safety by
-Creating Arcadia Newcomer work shop and welcome package.
-Identifying problematic streets and making recommendations to address them.
-Raising pedestrian awareness of Safe Pedestrian Crossing.
A Business-Friendly Community by:
-Creating programs to assist small new businesses to start up successfully.
-Encouraging reputable businesses to locate in Arcadia.
My motto is “Making a difference one step at a time” and I will persevere until I can bring the Healthy Community concept into the Arcadia and make our residents regain a safe, healthy and happy lifestyle. I am a voice for the elderly, disabled people, women, children, and Asian women. But most of all, I am the candidate for everyone who lives in Arcadia.