Get something for your very own bearded Santa from…The Archetype Beard Company

Start with a little shopping from 12-5 p.m. at a Holiday Pop Up Shop at a popular SpeakEasy right here in Arcadia.
Where else can you drink while you shop for all those last minute gifts. They’ll have food trucks and games for the whole family as well as terrific selection of unique beers.
One of the more unique pop ups present on Saturday will be ‘Archetype Beard Company’ started by a rather exceptional individual ( who by the way not only has a beard but just became a first time Dad.) Jorge Arroyo is Beacon Media’s graphics and web guru.
There will be classic holiday movies playing on the big screen, cookie decorating and 2 new holiday beers on tap: Egg Nog Cream Ale on nitro and Cafe De Olla Stout on nitro.
Then at 5 p.m. let’s eat, drink and be ugly! Bust out those tacky, gaudy sweaters and enter the ugly sweater contest. Prizes for ugliest sweater will be given at 10 p.m.
Get creative with our Gingerbread House Decorating Contest at 7 p.m. Sign up early to reserve your spot!
Food Trucks: La Huesueda Tacos & The BBQ Specialists
Live music starts at 8 p.m.
Mt. Lowe Brewing Co is located at 150 E. St. Joseph Street
Arcadia….(626) 244-7539