Chris Ballew is at Mobil Station.
December 3 at 11:19am · Instagram ·
Pasadena PD… This is what “Assault on a Police Officer with a Non-Firearm” looks like i guess.. All i can say is Glory be to God. I just posted early this morning for anyone to have a video and lo’ and behold i wake up to find this. God is just too good to me honestly, Im not worthy- Please REPOST. I dont have anybody on my side but you all… @worldstar @cnn @abcnetwork @pasadenastarnews
#fakejustice #brokenballew #policebrutality #policeassualt #pasadena. #pasadenapolice
By Terry Miller
A social media post of a cell phone video of two Pasadena police officers beating a suspect last month who was resisting arrest following a traffic stop has gone viral in the local Facebook and Instagram community, and now print media.
The victim, Chris Ballew, 21, who acquired a broken leg in the beating, posted on his Facebook account:
This is what “(an) Assault by a Police Officer with a Non-Firearm” looks like, I guess.. All I can say is Glory be to God. I just posted early this morning for anyone to have a video and lo’ and behold i wake up to find this.”
According to, James Farr, who also posted on Facebook:
“I spoke with Vice Mayor John Kennedy this morning about the recent video that has surface involving Pasadena Police and an unarmed motorist.
“…I do not have all of the facts on the matter involving Chris Ballew and the Pasadena Police Department. Additionally, I do not know when the City will release Body Worn Camera video of the incident, assuming that it exists.”
At Monday’s council meeting the victim’s mother and next door neighbor gave some testimony during public comment, in addition to a couple of other residents.
The next door neighbor actually brought still shots of the video to show to the council – he especially focused on when one officer wound up his baton like a baseball bat and smashed the victim’s back when he was already in fetal position. He described the victim as a “great kid” and talked about how his kids played with him growing up.
Another speaker described the victim’s only crime as being “black and driving a Mercedes.”
The mother wanted the council to understand who they were as a family – they have been residents of Altadena for over 20 years (the mother, an electrical engineer, is originally from Compton and graduated from UC Santa Barbara). She worked for ATT and Kaiser Children’s Hospital before becoming a minister – she says she received a “higher calling.” Mother said she has raised her son with the same core values – emphasizing family-first and showing respect.
Ballew’s mother thanked the Pasadena police for their service but called out “a couple of people on the force who do not represent the core values … Pasadena stands for.”
She said she is in “utter shock” and “completely appalled” especially having to hear the screams of her son crying in pain. She called for action and said “we have to stop the violence on our youth.” Her testimony was met with applause from the packed audience.
City Attorney prevented the council from responding, as it is an ongoing investigation, but City Manager Mermell revealed that he intends to release vehicle/body-cam video – something he says the city is “not obligated” to do.
On Monday, Dec. 11, Boyer released the following statement after council meeting concluded.
“In response to your inquiry, I want you to know that the City of Pasadena is aware of the incident that occurred on November 9, 2017 involving the use of force by two Pasadena Police Department Officers, as well as a related video that was recently posted on social media.
Per Department Policy, the Pasadena Police Department has initiated an administrative review of the incident, which is still underway. The City of Pasadena and the Pasadena Police Department take all incidents of an officer’s use of force very seriously. Policies governing officers’ use of force are posted on the Department’s webpage for public review at
At Monday’s City Council meeting, City Manager Steve Mermell announced his intention to release as soon as possible the video from the police officers’ body worn cameras regarding the use of force incident.
“At last week’s City Council meeting, there was discussion concerning an incident that occurred on November 9th involving Pasadena Police officers. A short, third-party video clip depicting the arrest of a subject by the officers had been posted to social media. The video shows a struggle between the officers and the subject who was ultimately subdued, but suffered injuries while resisting arrest.
Immediately following the incident, the Police Department initiated a use of force review, in accordance with departmental policy and procedure. That review is ongoing. The outcome of which will also be in accordance with department policy.
Since the release of the third-party video, there has been interest in this incident as well as requests for any video from the officers’ vehicle car as well as from their body cameras. While the City is not obligated or required to release such the recordings, it is my intention to do so in coming days, as I believe doing so is in the best interest of the City and that of the public.
Further, the Chief and I hope to meet soon with leadership of the NAACP to discuss the incident and the concerns and questions they raised last week. I look forward to the dialogue.”
Thank you. –Steve Mermell, City Manager