Tallman H. Trask Scout Reservation in dire need of repairs after years of neglect
By Terry Miller
On Tuesday, Arcadia Weekly got a first-hand look at the damage time and Mother Nature has done to one of the true treasures of this area, Camp Trask which is high above Monrovia Canyon.
Two Arcadia Rotarians, John D. Murphy and George Fasching gave this newspaper a tour of the reservation which really is any kid’s dream: a real Fort nestled in the woods where the scouting possibilities are endless for boys and girls of all ages.
Camp Trask is an extraordinary experience, tucked into Monrovia Canyon close the cities it serves. A brief drive up a meandering road camp and you are suddenly into a calming wilderness setting. The silence in camp is broken only by the sound of the year-round stream which flows through camp.
Fort Rotary was built and completed in 2003 with a dedication held October 19 that year.
Fort Rotary, where Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts and Webelos work on crafts such as ropes, knots, leatherworks, basketry and wood carving is still being used but really needs an infusion of cash to get the necessary repairs completed.
Other activities at the full size fort include metal works, first aid training, environmental science, soil conservation, wildlife/mammal/bird studies, astronomy and a lot more.
Unfortunately, despite the money spent on building the Fort, little if any, was put aside for the unique building’s much needed regular maintenance.

The entire structure is built with wood that apparently wasn’t properly preserved and subsequently much of the foundations and walkways are rotting and too dangerous for use.
Rotarians in Arcadia decided they had to step in and try and help the aging structure and bring it back to its former glory.
Enter John Murphy and George Fasching who are among those spearheading the fundraising efforts.
There are no city lights, so you can see the stars at night. There are lots of reasons to come to Trask: The dining hall, great swimming pool, Fort Rotary, showers and flush toilets, and outdoor amphitheater for campfire programs.
John Murphy pointed out that this building needs dire help to get it to where all parts of the Fort can be used and enjoyed by children in the surrounding communities.
Fort Rotary was born thanks to the dedicated community members from Arcadia Rotary, Monrovia Rotary as well as Sierra Madre Rotary Clubs who devoted countless hours, hard work and cash so that area kids could enjoy a taste of history first hand.
The campground on which Camp Trask sits was dedicated ‘Tallman H. Trask Scout Reservation’ in 1972. If you can help please call John Murphy at (626) 233-3914 or you may donate directly to:
The Arcadia Rotary Foundation, PO Box 660638 Arcadia CA 91066-0638