Former First Lady and Secretary of State and Gets Warm Welcome in Pasadena
By Terry Miller
Former First Lady and 67th Secretary of State under President Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton is perhaps the most well-known and high visibility political figure in American history.
On Friday, Pasadena residents were treated to a rare visit from the former First Lady at Vromans Bookstore as part of her book tour across the United States.
‘What Happened’ deliberately has no question mark in the title of Mrs. Clinton’s book.
“In the past, for reasons I try to explain, I’ve often felt I had to be careful in public, like I was up on a wire without a net. Now I’m letting my guard down.” —Hillary Rodham Clinton, from the introduction of What Happened.
Hillary Rodham Clinton reveals what she was thinking and feeling during one of the most controversial and unpredictable presidential elections in history. In these pages, she describes what it was like to run against Donald Trump.
The election of 2016 was unprecedented and historic. What Happened is the story of that campaign and its aftermath—“both a deeply intimate account and a cautionary tale for the nation,” according to a review on Good Reads.com.
While thousands of loyal supporters lined the block around Vromans Friday, a handful of Bernie Sanders supporters sparred with those who had waited in line for several hours to meet Hillary Clinton.
One Sanders supporter taunted Clinton supporters with a sign that read “Because of you,we got Trump…” while another dressed as Santa Claus graced reporters and Clinton supporters with the time honored middle-finger-salute.
One woman in line said she thought that [Sanders’ protest] was the wrong way to go about getting Trump out of office and stated “ we need to find more common ground, not increase divisiveness,” Sierra Madre native Julia Margaret Mackenzie told Pasadena Independent.
One woman who was among the first in line, Leah Santat sported tights that depicted Hillary as Superwoman. Santat said she wore the same tights at the Women’s March in DC recently.

The secret service press access was limited to five minutes, but during that time one reporter managed to ask what she thought about the Russia investigation and the Flynn indictment.
“It’s all in here…” Hillary said while holding the book in her right hand. One local newspaper incorrectly said Mrs. Clinton held the book upside-down at that point. This, of course, was not accurate.
Clinton smiled confidently and greeted a steady stream of over a thousand fans who had bought the book hoping to get it signed by the high-profile now private citizen.
Was the wait worth it? By all accounts, it most certainly was.
The event was the 13th stop on a 17-city book-signing tour promoting “What Happened,” Clinton’s account of losing the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump.