Pasadena Fire Chief Bertral Washington has directed the activation of Red Flag Parking Restrictions within the City of Pasadena in response to National Weather Service predictions. Additionally, as a precaution the Fire Department will staff extra personnel.
Red Flag & Parking Restrictions begin at 6 p.m., Monday, Dec. 4, 2017 until further notice. The situation can change and a cancellation notice will be sent when Red Flag conditions are over.
A Red Flag warning means that critical fire weather conditions are expected. The weather pattern, in combination with dry fuels, could create extreme fire danger and/or fire behavior. In order to allow for improved Fire Department access and resident evacuation, parking is restricted on posted narrow and/or winding roads within Pasadena’s urban-wildland interface areas. Please bring in trash cans from the street as soon as possible if red flag restrictions fall on trash pick-up day.
Additional background information may be found at: http://cityofpasadena.net/Fire/Red_Flag/ including where the gateway signs are posted.