One CEO’s Guide to Success
CEO Jesse Dillon is the fountainhead of Beacon Media News’ energy, he believes positivity begets positivity. If his employees are positive and productive in their daily life, it will reflect in the attitude they bring to the office. Monday meetings serve a core purpose for the team. Those sixty minutes are a time for recognition on the exemplary, reviewing Stephen R Covey’s 7 Habits, and creating a goal to reach for the new week.
Stephen R Covey’s self-help book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is meant for personal growth, yet Jesse Dillon believes using the strategies for Beacon Media News will help the company become more successful. These habits will help the multimedia news company grow and assist in their vision.
Beacon Media News has published newspapers for the Arcadia Weekly, Monrovia Weekly and Pasadena Independent for over 20 years. Their vision strives to be the leading provider for local and relevant information, which engages the community and impacts the world one person at a time. Their longevity within this ever changing business is due in part to the strategies they implement at the office. Everyone at Beacon Media News follows the 7 Habits of Highly Successful People.