Arcadia Unified School District’s three middle schools, First Avenue, Foothills, and Dana, rank in the top 12 best public middle schools in the Los Angeles area, as reported by Niche.com.
According to the data used by Niche, there are over 300 public middle schools in the Los Angeles area and over 2,000 public middle schools across California, placing Arcadia Unified’s middle schools in the top 1percent of public middle schools in the state. In addition to a strong showing on Niche’s 2018 Best Public Middle Schools lists, each Arcadia Unified middle school received top five honors for Niche’s 2018 Best Public Middle School Teachers in the Los Angeles Area category.
Foothills Middle School
– #2 Best Public Middle School in the Los Angeles Area
– #5 Public Middle School Teachers in Los Angeles Area
– Overall A+ Niche Grade, with A grades for Academics and Teachers
Dana Middle School
– #6 Best Public Middle School in the Los Angeles Area
– #3 Best Public Middle School Teachers in Los Angeles Area
– Overall A+ Niche Grade, with A grades for Academics and Teachers First Avenue Middle School
– #12 Best Public Middle School in the Los Angeles Area
– #4 Best Public Middle School Teachers in Los Angeles Area
– Overall A+ Niche Grade, with A grades for Academics and Teachers
In compiling its annual rankings, Niche performs a comprehensive data analysis of information collected from the U.S. Department of Education and from millions of reviews from students and parents. Students from Arcadia Unified middle schools filter into Arcadia High School, which was reported by Niche as being in the top 2 percent of best public high schools in the state. Other recent Arcadia Unified Niche results include #1 Best Place to Teach in the Los Angeles Area and an overall A+ Niche grade for each school in Arcadia Unified.
For more information about the Arcadia Unified School District, please visit www.ausd.net, and for more details on Niche ratings, you can visit www.niche.com.