Downtown Arcadia Halloween Haunting: Trick-or-Treating, Costume Contest, Prizes and More
By Downtown Arcadia Improvement Association Board of Directors
Mark your calendars for Friday, Oct. 27th from 3-to-6 p.m. for the Downtown Arcadia Halloween Haunting. From 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. there will be trick-or-treating in front of local businesses on First Avenue and Huntington Drive. Candy and other goodies will be handed out to all those in costume. Businesses will also be offering some fabulous discounts and promotional offers on their products and services. Last year’s event saw a big turnout of kids, young adults, and parents trick-or-treating and taking advantage of all the great business specials on offer. One clever and resourceful mom even decided to get a massage at Spa Xanadu while her kids trick-or-treated nearby. Nicely done mom!
Following trick-or-treating, head on over to the Arcadia Gold Line Transit Plaza at 5 p.m. for music, fun games, craft tables, and more Halloween activities! Free hotdogs and popcorn will be given out to the first 100 people in costume as well. A big thanks to the Arcadia Historical Society and the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce who will be helping run the games and other Transit Plaza activities.
Then at 5:30 p.m., the grand finale Halloween Costume Contest will take place in the Arcadia Transit Plaza. Awards and fabulous prizes will be handed out to the best costume in several categories as judged by our distinguished Downtown Arcadia panel. Costume contest winners will also be prominently featured on the Downtown Arcadia Improvement Association website and social media. This event is a fantastic opportunity to show off your creative costumes and take some great photos while mingling with other costume participants on a beautiful Southern California Autumn afternoon. We hope to see you all next Friday for this exciting event!
The DAIA Board would be also like to extend special thanks and shout out to Giantech Design & Construction for cosponsoring the event. These are also the same folks developing and building the exciting new downtown mixed-use project at First Avenue and Wheeler. They have been a very enthusiastic supporter of Downtown Arcadia events since taking over this project. Thanks again guys and we look forward to partnering with you on more events in the future.
So to all our Arcadia Weekly Readers, let us wish you a Happy Halloween and hope to see you all on Friday, October 27 from 3-to-6pm for the Downtown Arcadia Halloween Haunting. We can’t wait to see all the great costumes, business specials, and fun activities at this year’s spooktacular event. For more information on the Downtown Arcadia Halloween Haunting Event, please contact Donna Choi, DAIA Administrative Executive at or visit or the Downtown Arcadia Improvement Association Faceb