Celebrate the City’s Bike Master Plan implementation with other bike enthusiasts at the MoveMonrovia Community Bike Ride Event this coming Saturday, October 21, 2017, at 8:00 a.m. at the City’s Historic Museum on Lemon Avenue.
Participants will have the opportunity to ride to a ribbon cutting celebration of the new Class III Bike Routes being implemented, which includes new “Share the Road” signs and painted rows along the bike path route reminding drivers to be on the look-out for bicyclists who may be sharing the lane. The itinerary for the day will include:
8:00 a.m. Event Begins / Coffee / Danishes / Water
8:15 a.m. City Dignitaries and Move Monrovia to speak
8:25 a.m. Ribbon Cutting
8:30 a.m. Begin ride heading east on Lemon Avenue
9:00 a.m. Arrive at the Historic Depot for a sneak peek of the beautiful building
9:30 a.m. Return to the Museum – The Museum will have the exhibit open for guests to enjoy.
9:45 a.m. Hardcore bike enthusiast will head out for a longer ride
View the map that outlines the proposed bike route for the ride.
Also… remember that drivers should leave at least three feet as a buffer when driving near a bicyclist to be on the safe side! Visit the City’s website to learn more about the Three Feet for Bicycle Safety Campaign.