Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27) released the following statement on President Trump’s executive order to roll back protections for individuals enrolled in association health plans, sabotaging the principles of the ACA’s healthcare marketplaces:
“Donald Trump will do anything to avoid working with Democrats to improve the healthcare of Americans – including intentionally sabotaging our country’s healthcare system. That is what he is doing with this executive order. It is a craven attempt by the President to justify his party’s attacks on the ACA, which has been successful at increasing coverage for millions. That is why Republicans have been unable to pass a repeal of the law. But refusing to accept his failure, Trump is trying to double down with this plan to peel healthy individuals away from the ACA marketplaces and make costs rise for consumers. By offering cheap plans with poor coverage, he is ensuring that only healthy people will buy them – leaving the sick and elderly with more expensive options. This signals a return to the segmented healthcare system we had before the ACA, where being sick could mean bankruptcy or worse. And it is the most vulnerable Americans who will pay this price to salve Trump’s ego.”