Biden is speaking at the Ambassador Auditorium on Oct. 25.
Joe Biden, the 47th Vice President of the United States is coming to Pasadena as part of the Distinguished Speaker Series. He is appearing at the Ambassador Auditorium on Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2017 at 8:00p.m. Great seats to the evening are still available as part of a subscription package.
“Vice President Joe Biden’s appearance could not have come at a more relevant time,” says Co-Founder Kathy Winterhalder. “Over the years we have made it a point to bring world renowned and sought-after speakers to our stages. We have brought to Southern California some of the greatest leaders of our time including Margaret Thatcher, Bill Clinton, Mikhail Gorbachev, Tony Blair, FW DeKlerk and H.H. the Dalai Lama to name a few.”
Biden served as 47th Vice President of the United States with President Obama from 2009 to 2017. Before that, he was a U.S. senator representing Delaware from 1973 until assuming the vice presidency. In his time as a senator, Biden served on the Judiciary Committee as chairman presiding over U.S. Supreme Court confirmations and on the Foreign Relations Committee working on issues like arms control.
He made a bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1987 and again in 2007 before accepting Obama’s offer to run with him on the ticket as vice president. Under the Obama administration, Biden oversaw infrastructure spending to help offset the Great Recession as well as U.S. policy in Iraq that ended with the exit of U.S. troops in 2011. He also took on issues such as gun violence, a fairer judicial system, and a smarter foreign policy. He fought for a stronger middle class, violence against women, and ending cancer as we know it. With his charm, candor, unabashed optimism and deep and abiding patriotism, Biden has garnered the respect and esteem of colleagues of both parties and the friendship of people around the world. Before leaving office, Obama presented Biden the country’s highest civilian honor: the Presidential Medal of Freedom with distinction.
The Distinguished Speaker Series will be held at the Ambassador Auditorium, 131 S. Saint John Ave., Pasadena. Each program begins at 8:00pm. Biden is the first of six talks offered as part of the Distinguished Speaker Series of Pasadena. He will be followed by Bill Nye (November 29), Ted Koppel (Jan. 24), Julia Gillard the former Prime Minister of Australia (Feb. 21), Rick Steves (March 14), and conclude with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (May 9). His evening will conclude with a half-hour unfiltered and candid question and answer session. Individual tickets to Vice President Joe Biden are not available. He and the remaining series speakers are only available in a subscription package for $445.00, and can be purchased by calling (310) 546-6222 or by visiting our web site at www.speakersla.com. The Distinguished Speaker Series of Pasadena is sponsored by Union Bank, The Rusnak Autogroup and KNX 1070.