By Terry Miller
On Tuesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced his intent to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and in doing so, he has “callously reneged on the government’s commitment to hundreds of thousands of American youth. The DACA program is a critical lifeline for nearly 800,000 young immigrants who came to this country as children. For most, the United States is the only home they’ve ever known,” according to statement issued by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
Jennie Pasquarella, director of immigrants’ rights for the ACLU of California:
“Five years ago, the federal government made a deal with immigrant youth: As long as you meet certain criteria, you can live, study, and work here. Hundreds of thousands of young people came out of the shadows and accepted the government’s offer in good faith. They prospered and thrived as a result.”
“Today, the Trump administration broke our government’s promise, upending the lives of 800,000 young immigrants and their families, and injecting uncertainty into thousands of homes, schools and workplaces across America.”
“In California alone, more than 222,000 young immigrants use their DACA status to give back to this country in innumerable ways: they are our doctors, soldiers, teachers and students; our neighbors, family and friends.”
“Now, the fate of DACA recipients in this nation lie in the hands of Congress. Lawmakers, such as U.S. Rep. Mimi Walters, Edward Royce, and Kevin McCarthy must decide if they are on the side of young people who are integral to this country’s future, or on the side of the racist forces motivating this President to end DACA.”
“While this is a hard day for our diverse immigrant communities and this nation as a whole, we will continue to work toward the full recognition of these young people as belonging to this nation. Years of courage, sacrifices, and organizing won the DACA program in 2012. Nothing will deter these individuals – who are Americans in every respect – and their key allies in California, such as the Coalition for Humane Immigrants’ Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA), the Inland Empire Immigrant Youth Coalition (IEIYC), and Orange County Immigrant Youth United (OCIYU) from continuing to work on behalf of their futures and holding those responsible accountable”
Gov. Jerry Brown:
“This six-month so-called reprieve does not change the Governor’s views – the Trump Administration’s action to end DACA is senseless and cruel. California has its eyes on Congress to do what it should have done years ago, but we cannot bank on that. So the Governor stands with Attorney General Becerra as he takes our fight to court to defend the Dreamers, “
“The President’s decision to end the DACA program is a cruel and arbitrary attack on DREAMers, designed to placate a narrow constituency and erase the legacy of his predecessor. There is nothing in the law of constitution that compels such a result. If the President supported protecting these young people and felt Congressional action was necessary, he could have urged Congress to act long before now, not pulled the rug out from the DREAMers in such cruel fashion.”
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA):
“For many DREAMers, America is the only home they’ve ever known. Brought across the border by their families when they were only children, these young people have grown up in America, gone to school in America, and made plans for their futures in America. The President would throw that all away.
“When the DACA program was created, America made a promise to these DREAMers that they would be protected. The President’s action today has shattered this promise. Now, hundreds of thousands of young people are left wondering what the future holds for them and whether they’ll be forced to leave their friends, families, and communities.”
“Today, the President proved all his critics right: he lacks any sense of empathy, any devotion to a cause greater than himself. But Congress need not sit passively by while families are torn apart. I have offered an amendment to defund any effort to deport the DREAMers. It’s time for Members of Congress to stand up and be counted.”
1 – A protester marches with the words “Viva Mexico” written on his chest. – Photo by Terry Miller / Beacon Media News
2 – Protestors gather in support of DACA. – Courtesy photo
3 – Protestors gather in support of DACA. – Courtesy photo