
Pasadena Police Chief and City Manager Aghast Over Trump’s Recent Comments for Law Enforcement

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“When you see these towns and when you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon—you just see them thrown in, rough—I said please don’t be too nice,” the president said last week in appearance in New York where the NYPD boycotted his appearance. – Courtesy photo / Gage Skidmor (CC BY-SA 2.0)
“When you see these towns and when you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon—you just see them thrown in, rough—I said please don’t be too nice,” the president said last week in appearance in New York where the NYPD boycotted his appearance. – Courtesy photo / Gage Skidmor (CC BY-SA 2.0)

By Terry Miller

Last year, President Obama pushed to reform police departments in the United States in the challenge of several high-profile fatal shootings of black men by police. However, the new POTUS, Trump, has now suggested police shouldn’t worry at all about “roughing up” suspects.

“When you see these towns and when you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon—you just see them thrown in, rough—I said please don’t be too nice,” the president said last week in New York where the NYPD boycotted his appearance.

Trump referred to those in custody as ‘animals’ and encouraged cops to get rough with the ‘thugs.’

A local civil rights attorney, Dale Gronemeir, asked Pasadena officials about President Trump’s recent outrageous comments regarding abhorrent abuse of people in police custody.

“I join the growing number of elected officials, police chiefs and judicial officials, the IACP and other professional law enforcement organizations, public safety executives, and community leaders across America to express my concerns over President Trump’s recent comments suggesting the police should ‘rough up’ people during contacts.

The topic (police force) should not be taken lightly and, moreover, it is inappropriate to suggest peace officers should misuse force during detentions, arrests, or while transporting prisoners. The Use of Force, which is codified in California law and police department’s policy only allows for reasonable and necessary measure based on the perceived circumstances. The use of force is highly regulated and documented, appropriately so. The Pasadena Police Department does not support the abuse of people’s constitutional rights or the misuse of force, period. Officers and others police personnel authorized to use force are accountable for their actions and each incident is reviewed by my office and command staff. Please feel free to share my views with people in your network as you deem appropriate.

Take good care,

Phillip L. Sanchez, Chief of Police”

“Dale, your message was addressed to the Chief, but I can assure you that the City of Pasadena will not tolerate unconstitutional policing practices. The suggestion that those taken into custody, who are innocent until proven guilty, should be abused in the process is abhorrent.”

Steve Mermell,
City Manager.


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