Giggle Chips, a Pasadena City College Small Business Development Center (SBDC) client, won the local InnovateHER Business Challenge competition on June 15. Giggle Chips is also a proud completer of the PCC Venture Launch Program sponsored by Pasadena City College Small Business Development Center (SBDC).
InnovateHER Business Challenge, held through The SBA Office of Women’s Business Ownership, seeks to identify products and services that have a measurable impact on the lives of women and families. The products and services must fill a need in the marketplace and have a strong potential for commercialization.
Women play a crucial role in our nation’s economic prosperity. According to the SBA, 36 percent of businesses in our country are women-owned, employing 8 trillion workers and responsible for more than $1.4 trillion in revenues.
Giggle Chips developed a STEM toy to teach children computing and coding literacy. STEM oriented toys focus on the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The game is called, “Giggle Chips ABC Computer Science Cards with Game” and sells for $15.99 on their website. The set of 31 colorful flashcards host multiple games offering children a fun and educational experience.
Pasadena City College Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in partnership with the SBA sponsored the local level competition. One winner is chosen at the local level, who then advances to the semi-final round. In this round of the challenge, SBA will review the semi-finalist nomination packages submitted by the local competition host organizations and select up to 10 Finalists whose products or services, in SBA’s sole judgment, best satisfy the challenge criteria. SBA will notify the 10 Finalists directly. The final competition will be held in Washington DC in September 2017. Cash prizes totaling $70,000 will be awarded to the three highest-rated contestants.
Giggle Chips will now compete for placement of the final round to be held in Washington DC. September 2017.