The Art In Public Places Committee will be deciding on the new ‘Monrovia’ entryway sign for the east end of Huntington Drive
Spurred on in part by the improvements at Station Square (and the ‘Monrovia’ entryway monument sign located just south of I-210 Freeway off of Myrtle Avenue), city staff has been working to develop a coordinated design concept for entryway monument signs throughout the City. The city has been developing signage concepts for both the east end and west end of the main east-west arterial corridor in Monrovia.
The Art in Public Places Committee will be reviewing these concepts at one of their upcoming meetings, and based on feedback received from that group, a formal recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council for consideration in the very near future.
It is also important to note that the City is working on an entry monument sign for the west end of Huntington Drive, which is being coordinated in concert with a larger capital improvement initiative that involves new signals and some roadway realignment work at Huntington Drive / 5th Avenue. That project should be ready for consideration toward the latter part of the calendar year.
Finally, as the Huntington Drive entry monument sign project moves forward, the City is simultaneously developing a coordinated entryway monument signage program for the entire community.