This is the third year that the Friends of the Arcadia Historical Society have recognized an Arcadia Explorer with a Scholarship that would honor the memory of Lt. Edward Ostashay and help the recipient further their career in becoming a Police Officer.
Lt. Edward Ostashay Scholarship was presented to Joseph Aaron Arredondo by The Friends of Arcadia Historical Society’s President Beverly Street at a recent Arcadia City Council Meeting. Mayor Peter Amundson invited Street to give historical background. She then asked Officer Danny Daryaie, Arredondo’s advisor, to explain Arredondo’s qualifications. Street explained how Arredondo has assisted The Friends since February 2015 with fundraising events to help fund this Scholarship.
Arredondo was born and raised in Arcadia. He graduated Arcadia High in 2016. He currently is attending Pasadena City College. He is a Sergeant in the Explorer Program. His parents David and Gabriela Arredondo, girlfriend Julia and fellow Arcadia Explorer Ryan Harada and Nicholas Marshall were there to honor Arredondo. A root beer float reception followed the presentation.
Lt. Ostashay served our community as a Police Officer. He also altered a 1959 Ford Galaxie 500 car to replicate a police car of the 1950’s. This became a wonderful draw to have at community events. Lt. Ostashay passed away of cancer. His legacy lives on. Gene Glasco, our current City Clerk and the past President of the Arcadia Historical Society has taken to watch over the police car. It will be at the Arcadia Patriotic Festival on July 1. With Gene Glasco’s help we found out who to contact and how an Explorer Scholarship might be created. Sergeant Jason Davis wrote to Chief Guthrie with ideas of what the criteria would be. Chief Guthrie approved the recommendation.
The guidelines are a candidate who has the following characteristics and vision:
- Truly support and reflect “Making a Difference” while performing their duties
- Be an effective communicator
- Maintain a grade point average of at least 3.0 or higher in High School
- Actively engage in the community by volunteering and committing time to worthwhile causes in and around Arcadia.
Arredondo leadership is admired by his fellow Explorers because he never expects them to do something he doesn’t do with them. Also many of The Friends of Arcadia Historical Society were present at City Council meeting in support of Arredondo.