
Reader Infuriated by ‘Mt. Olive Student, 18, Gunned Down Sunday in Unincorporated Duarte/Monrovia’ (June 8 Issue)

Reader expresses his frustration about gun laws after the recent fatal shooting of an 18-year old around Duarte. – Courtesy photo / Panoramio

Dear Editor,

Despite the evidence that our nation has the most gun violence among developed countries, isn’t it perverse that legislators in many states continue to enact “right to carry” laws?

It’s an irony that guns were far better controlled during the years of the lawless Wild West, than they are today. Remember Wyatt Earp, the “law and order” hero who disarmed anyone who dared to defy Tombstone’s ordinance against carrying weapons?

It’s also noteworthy that during the first hundred years of its existence, the National Rifle Association never once touted the second Amendment as its cause.  It wasn’t until 1970 that owning a gun became an absolute right — endowed by God and the Constitution.

Wellthe reason of course is money. Lots of money! And the NRA’s pockets are lined with enough cash to buy legislators who will protect its fetishes of death.

If the nightmare of more gun-toting Toms, Dicks and Harrys continues, I’ll just have to stay home, become a recluse, and order takeout for supper. My only hope is that when the pizza man arrives, he won’t come to my door with a gun hanging from each hip.

– David Quintero
Monrovia, CA 

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