Arcadia Association of Realtors Visit Capitol Hill
On behalf of current and future home and property owners throughout the country, more than 9,600 realtors recently traveled to Washington, D.C. to advance key real estate issues during the 2017 Realtor Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo.
Leadership members from the Arcadia Association of Realtors joined fellow realtors from California and across the nation to attend meetings and informational sessions, as well as meet with regulatory agency staff and lawmakers on Capitol Hill to discuss and advocate real estate issues affecting their businesses, communities and clients. Attending realtors and members of the National Association of Realtors focused on several significant issues affecting the industry during the legislative-focused meetings, including flood insurance, tax reform and sustainable home ownership.
“Realtors are critical advocates for the real estate industry and for their clients, and this meeting is the perfect opportunity to educate ourselves on the issues facing real estate markets, as well as the legislative and regulatory issues on the horizon that could affect realtors, home buyers and sellers, and property owners,” said AAR 2017 President, Sylvia Ramos.
While in Washington, AAR leadership members met with U.S. Senators and Representatives on Capitol Hill to discuss and influence public policy decisions that directly affect consumers’ ability to own, buy, rent and sell residential and commercial real estate.
“As the leading advocates for real estate, it is important for realtors to meet face to face with our nation’s representatives to make sure home ownership and commercial real estate remains top of mind, since these help to shape our communities and play crucial roles in the economic health of America,” said Ramos.