June 1
At 10:43 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the 900 block of S. Magnolia when he recognized a subject he knew to have an outstanding warrant. The officer detained the subject, confirmed the warrant and took him into custody. The subject was booked and held pending a court appearance.
At 2:31 p.m., an officer stopped a vehicle in the 400 block of W. Huntington Drive for committing a vehicle code violation. The officer contacted the driver and a computer check revealed an outstanding arrest warrant, and that the subject was unlicensed. The suspect was taken into custody, booked and held pending a court appearance.
June 2
At 6:33 a.m., a solo-vehicle traffic collision was reported in the 900 block of E. Huntington Drive. Officers arrived and contacted the driver, who demonstrated signs of alcohol intoxication. The investigation determined the subject was intoxicated and collided into a parked vehicle. No injuries were sustained. The suspect was arrested, booked and held for a sobering period. She was then released with a citation to appear in court on the charges.
At 8:52 p.m., a domestic dispute was reported in the 100 block of N. Myrtle. A couple who were living together were ending their relationship and the female was moving out. As the male subject was helping her get her things out of the residence, the female became upset and threw a hard object at the male subject, striking him in the back of the head and causing a large laceration. The female was arrested for domestic violence.
June 3
At 7:12 a.m., a female resident in the 900 block of S. Fifth Avenue called police to report that she and her boyfriend were involved in a verbal argument that turned physical. The male suspect fled prior to police arriving. The female subject had no visible injuries, however, she complained of pain to her shoulder. The investigation is continuing.
At 8:11 a.m., a vehicle vandalism was reported in the 200 block of W. Chestnut Avenue. The victim parked his vehicle on the street and left it there overnight. He returned to his vehicle in the morning and found damage to his driver-side window. A rock had been used to smash the window. No entry was made and nothing was taken from vehicle. The investigation is continuing.
At 7:23 p.m., a petty theft was reported at a business in the 300 block of W. Huntington Drive. A male suspect entered the business, selected items and then exited without paying. An officer responded and the suspect was arrested and taken into custody.
At 8:52 p.m., officers were dispatched to the area of Palm and Alta Vista to check on the welfare of two females. They arrived and found both women were extremely intoxicated and unable to care for themselves or others. They were arrested for being drunk in public.
June 4
At 8:59 p.m., a family disturbance was reported in the 900 block of S. Fifth Avenue. Officers responded on the report of a mother and son arguing. The investigation revealed the son had hit his mother and tried to prevent her from calling the police for help. The suspect was arrested.