Hammond USA Executive Vice President Phu Nguyen recently named Hammond Artist Emiko as Social Media Liaison for Hammond USA. This appointment expands Emiko’s current duties as Anchor/Producer of Hammond’s “HTV” You-Tube channel, which focuses on Hammond’s extensive Artist Roster.

“Social media has become so important in today’s world, and we’re fortunate to have an Artist of ours so fluent in its application, like Emiko,” commented Mr. Nguyen.
Emiko has been a Hammond Artist for the past four years, and has presented numerous clinics and workshops for the company, as well as serving as co-M.C. for Hammond’s popular series of “Sound Soul Summit” concerts, the most recent of which was February’s show in Chicago honoring the fallen Hammond Exec Gregg Gronowski who initially signed Emiko as a Hammond Artist.
Emiko’s new single “Simple Love” is available on iTunes and at her website.