Jan. 12 – Feb. 3
Pasadena Unified School District’s (PUSD) annual Open Enrollment-School Choice for the 2017-2018 academic year begins Jan. 12. Online applications will be accepted through Feb. 3 at www.openenrollment.info.
PUSD is accepting applications for its newest Dual Language Immersion Program (DLIP) in French, which begins with kindergarten-2nd grade in 2017-2018. PUSD-resident families of entering kindergarten students (who must be five years old by Sept. 1) can complete applications online. Non-PUSD families with entering kindergarten and both PUSD and non-PUSD families with entering first and second grade students must complete Intent to Enroll applications at the Language Assessment & Development Department (LADD), Room 209, 351 South Hudson Avenue, Jan. 12 through Feb. 3, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
For any questions call the Communications Office, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday at (626) 396-3606.