Monrovia Renewal is a multi-year initiative that will make priority repairs to the all of the City’s water and sewer pipelines, water facilities, streets, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters. The initial work related to Monrovia Renewal has begun in the Southwest and Southeast portions of town, which includes the areas located to the eastern and western City limits located between Colorado Boulevard to the north and the 210 Freeway to the south.
In order to stay connected to everything related to Monrovia Renewal, it is encouraged for everyone to visit online at www.cityofmonrovia.org/monroviarenewal. While at the site, you can
sign-up for e-mail updates by clicking on the “Monrovia Renewal Project Updates and Work Notices” tab, and following the instructions to subscribe. An email sign-up instruction guide has been included as an attachment for your reference.
Monrovia Renewal is the largest public works project that the City has ever undertaken, and your patience and support is appreciated while work is done to execute the identified infrastructure improvements throughout our community.