Reminders for Pasadena
Pasadena residents and businesses are reminded that City Hall and many City services will be closed Monday, Jan. 16 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Specific closures, reminders and exceptions are listed below.
The Pasadena Fire and Police departments will continue to provide patrol, jail, fire, paramedic and other emergency services during the holiday. For life-threatening emergencies, remember to always call 9-1-1. “If You See Something, Say Something” by calling the Pasadena Police Department at (626) 744-4241 for non-emergencies.
Pasadena residents and businesses with power emergencies should call the Pasadena Water and Power (PWP) Department at (626) 744-4673 and for water-related emergencies call (626) 744-4138. PWP’s regular Customer Service Call Center will be closed for the holiday, but customers can access their accounts and pay their bills online at www.PWPweb.com or by phone at (626) 744-4005. The City’s Municipal Services Payment Center at City Hall will be closed.
The City Council will not meet on Monday, Jan. 16. The Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting is Jan. 23.
Pasadena’s Citizen Service Center, (626) 744-7311, www.pasadena.net/Citizen-Service-Center, will be closed Jan. 16 for the holiday, but will be open Saturday, Jan. 21 from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Refuse and recycling collection will be delayed by one day during the week of Jan. 16 – Jan. 21. The bulky item pickup program is on hiatus until Feb. 6.
On Monday, Jan. 16, Pasadena Transit and Dial-A-Ride buses will operate on regular weekday schedules. All on-street parking meters will be free Jan. 16, and time limits will not be enforced. Parking meter enforcement will resume Tuesday, Jan. 17. City-owned parking lots and garages will be open Jan. 16, and regular parking rates will be enforced. Violations for red curb parking, overnight parking and blocking fire hydrants will continue to be issued.
All Pasadena Public Library sites will be closed Sunday and Monday, Jan. 15 – Jan.16, with regular schedules resuming Tuesday, Jan. 17.
All community centers operated by the City’s Human Services and Recreation Department will be closed. All parks will be open for picnics, fun and play, but no site reservations are accepted for the holidays.
The City wishes all residents a safe and enjoyable Martin Luther King Jr. Day.