Period to File Nomination Papers Opens on Dec. 19
As we prepare to welcome in the New Year, the City is also making plans to coordinate our 2017 General Municipal Election. Monrovia’s election for local representatives will take place Tuesday, April 11, 2017, and the positions that will be open include:
-Mayor (two year term) – One seat open
-City Council (four year term) – Two seats open
-City Clerk (four year term) – One seat open
-City Treasurer (four year term) – One seat open
For those interested in running for City Council, the period to file nomination papers opens on Dec. 19 and ends Jan. 13, 2017. However, pursuant to California Elections Code, if an incumbent fails to file to run again, the period for that office only will be extended to Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2017.
If you have any questions regarding the upcoming election, please feel free to contact the City Clerk’s Office at (626) 932-5599.