Dear Editor,
I have been trying for over 5 years to get City of Pasadena to finish several sidewalks in our neighborhood, but they refuse to enforce their own building code.
Pasadena building code states that a house near existing sidewalk is required to install a sidewalk before they sell their house or do remodels over $30,000.
I need the sidewalks completed on: 1) San Gabriel Blvd between San Pasqual and Del Mar 6 homeowners need sidewalks 2) El Nido Street from Milicent to Del Mar 6 homeowners need to install sidewalks 3) San Pasqual Street , from San Gabriel to Sierra Madre again about 6 homeowners need to install sidewalks 4) San Gabriel Blvd from Lombardy Road to Huntington Blvd six residents need to install sidewalks .
These homeowners have all done remodels over $30,000 or recently bought or sold these homes and therefore should have been required by the city to install sidewalks. The city failed to enforce its own code on these 24 homeowners and the whole neighborhood is suffering a lack of sidewalks in our busy neighborhood. these are small six house gaps around the most critical sidewalks gaps is there any way that I could sue the City of Pasadena so that they are required to enforce their own building codes.
– Davis Brow