Dear Editor:
We are excited to carry on the tradition of serving Thanksgiving meals to Pasadena Families in Transition through our 5th Annual Thanksgiving Share A Meal event. There continue to be many families in our city who are transitioning from homelessness to self-sufficiency, or vice versa. The Pasadena Unified School District has identified many such families and we wish to support them through these challenges.
By coming together as a community, The Pasadena Sandwich Company (PSC), the Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD), the Pasadena Fire Department (PFD), Sydney Paige® Inc., and Remainders Creative Reuse have been able to provide a safe and fun environment for families to enjoy a family-style feast at PSC on Thanksgiving Day. We are once again, happy to be able to invite these families to join us on Nov. 24, for our Share A Meal celebration.
In addition to hosting the meal, our partners are committed to raising money and collecting donations for our Share A Meal Event through the Stephen E. Fink Memorial Fund, a non-profit fund established in honor of the father, friend, and founder of PSC. We are currently accepting donations, which include but are not limited to, monetary, food (turkeys, pies, beverages, etc.), paper goods (plates, napkins etc.), and gift certificates. You can also make a contribution by purchasing a Sydney Paige® backpack. For every backpack purchased one is donated and filled with school supplies for every child attending our Share A Meal Event. Visit us at www.pasadenashareameal.com to learn more about how you can be part of this AWESOME Thanksgiving celebration!
All donations are tax deductible with the exception of the purchase of the backpacks. Please arrange your tax-deductible contributions by Nov. 20.
Thank you for your generous support.
Pasadena Sandwich and Pasadena Fire Dept.
– Meghan Fink-Owner Pasadena Sandwich
Steven Lawhorn –Pasadena Firefighter, PFD