Panel discussion will focus on evolving workforce
The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce invites leaders of business and industry to a forum on the local economy, local industries and the future of business in Pasadena at the fourth Pasadena Business and Economic Summit. The event will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 25 at 11:30 a.m. at The University Club at 175 N. Oakland Ave. in Pasadena.
Cost to attend the Pasadena Business and Economic Summit is $50 and includes the program and lunch. A corporate table of eight, including signage and recognition on the program, costs $400. Parking is included in the ticket price.
The City of Pasadena and the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce annually join forces to present the discussion of the economic health and the future of business and the economy in Pasadena. Wells Fargo generously sponsors the event. Last year 180 attended.
Tracy Hernandez, founding president of the Los Angeles County Business Federation (BizFed) will give an economic overview, with particular attention the San Gabriel Valley and Pasadena. She will also present findings of a recent industry issues survey and discuss upcoming issues facing businesses in the region.
The Pasadena Business and Economic Summit will focus on innovation and the future, with panelists discussing the evolving workplace, the transportation future of Los Angeles County and what the future workforce may look like.
This year, the format will include a moderated panel discussion among the participants. Karl Bird, acquisition department manager at Jet Propulsion Laboratory and chair of the Chamber’s Economic and Business Development Committee will facilitate.
Taking part as featured panelists are Brittany Dodd, senior associate for Advisory and Transaction Services and Workplace Strategy at CBRE, Kim Sidders, people operations coordinator with Bolton & Company, and Pauletta Tonilas, chief communications officer with Los Angeles County METRO.
Pasadena Mayor Terry Tornek will provide a welcome and update on city priorities. Pasadena Economic Development Manager Eric Duyshart will give an update on economic development initiatives in the city.
Additional information, including the opportunity to sign up and pay online, can be found at the Pasadena Chamber website at www.pasadena-chamber.org (follow the link to Events and the Business and Economic Summit) and for information call the Chamber at (626) 795-3355.