City Manager Oliver Chi released the following statement in his weekly report regarding the city’s new bulky item pick-up program:
“One of the regular complaints that we receive here at the city relates to bulky items that are left out in the public right of way. From old mattresses, to discarded couches, to unwanted furniture … this unsightly trash detracts from our community.
“To address this matter, we have here at the city developed a new bulky item pick-up program. Many thanks to our new Management Assistant Alex Tachiki for his work in developing this new program!
“If you see any bulky items located out on the street, just let us know here at the city and we’ll get it taken care of!
“In an effort to make this new bulky item pick-up program as easy for individuals to use as possible, we have established a special email address and telephone number for folks to report bulky items identified in the city.
“If you see anything that needs to be picked-up, feel free to email and/or call us per the following information: email mailto:bulkyitem@ci.monrovia.ca.us or call (626) 932-5553.
“Please take a moment to program this information into your cell phone and feel free to share the email and telephone number with your family and friends! By consistently reporting the abandoned bulky items that you see in Monrovia to the city, we can work together to keep our community beautiful!”