
Old Town Report (9/8/16 Issue)

Brush up on the news and issues occurring in Monrovia Old Town recently. – Courtesy photo
Old Town Monrovia. - Courtesy photo
Old Town Monrovia. – Courtesy photo


By Pam Fitzpatrick

I have to begin this column remembering those we lost 15 years ago on 9/11 by sharing that the San Gabriel Valley Musical Artists have organized a Patriot Day Concert to be performed on Sunday, Sept. 11, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church at Foothill and Myrtle, just across the street from our Old Town boundaries. The full orchestra will feature American-themed music. Everyone is welcome (a $7 donation at the door is suggested). Music is one sweet healer …

Now, to backtrack to this Saturday: Old Town will once again host the Classic Car Show put on by Street Rods Forever. This year the Monrovia Police Department will be making sure there are no cars leaving early, driving out during the event, and there will also be car show staff on site with clearly marked shirts if you have any questions or just want to tell them what a great job they are doing! It should be a great day in Old Town, especially because the car show is combined this year with the Monrovia Chamber’s Zip Code Day celebration in Library Park. Check out www.Monroviacc.com for more information. Oh, and also Friends of the Monrovia Public Library will have their big book sale (which I wait for every year)!

Also on Saturday, Sept. 10, the 400 block “Art in Public Places” bronze sculpture (aptly named “The Location”) will be dedicated – or christened, or whatever is done to officially recognize the value of an object of art. I realize the sculpture is billed as “in front of the Krikorian Theater,” but honestly, it looks like it’s in front of my store and I couldn’t be more thrilled! Thank you Daniel Stern … we love you!

Also in the 400 block there are more really cool things happening, one of which is the renaming of The Sow House. I will no longer have to try to explain that “Sow” refers to farming (the plant kind, not the pig kind). “Craft Hill” will be the new name and though I’m not sure when the change will come, I hear it’s soon.

And, for another cool happening, if you dance or if you know a dancer, there is a beautiful shop on the west side of Myrtle at 403 called “Enchanted Dancewear” which you will love. Kristin Smith, the owner, is the daughter of one of Old Town’s property managers, Peter Fertig, so the historic Neville Building, which Peter’s firm manages, was a natural choice for her. The shop was previously located near Fasanarock in the 100 block of South Myrtle. Kristin’s twin sister, Kelly, is working with her, and I confess, I still have some trouble telling them apart! The store is beautifully laid out and a treat to visit – and, they also sell online.

Up a bit further on Myrtle, next to where the Gas Co. used to be, on the west side, is a brand new concept to Old Town. The name of the business is Cryo Spa (which may not be the absolute correct spelling, but it’s close) and according to their new business license they specialize in treatments that involve freezing temperatures, rather than heat, to relieve pain, etc. I think they are still in the process of doing some renovations inside before they open, so I haven’t paid them a visit yet.

More happy news: The Saltner’s outside seating has been approved by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, so time to wine on East Colorado while your friends watch you in envy! And, of course, wine makes me think of the upcoming holidays, so I want to assure everyone that Santa is busy contacting all the usual toy companies (just for the toys he can’t make himself … ), so the Santa Breakfasts will come to Old Town once again this year!

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