A basketball league for women and beginner tennis lessons for all are being offered by the Pasadena Senior Center.
Registration is open and all skill levels are invited for the Pasadena Senior Center’s 3-on-3 Basketball Summer League for women ages 40 and older.
Games will be played Sundays through Oct. 2 (except Aug. 28 and Sept. 4) in Caltech’s Braun Athletic Center on the south side of California Boulevard, just south of the baseball diamond.
The registration fee is $35 per player for the six-week period. Players may join in on any and all of the play dates. For more information or to register, contact Oma Soto via email at omaksoto@hotmail.com or by calling (323) 320-0948.
The Pasadena Senior Center is partnering with iTENNIS and Let’s Teach to provide affordable senior tennis clinics, tournaments, and Senior Games training for men and women ages 50 and older.
All tennis activities will take place at the Rose Bowl Tennis Center, adjacent to the Rose Bowl Aquatics Center (360 N. Arroyo Blvd.). Lessons will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays, Sept. 6 to Nov. 10, from 9 to 10:30 a.m.
The registration fee is $200 for the full session or $20 per class. For more information or to register visit www.rosebowltennis.com and click on “Adult Class Schedule” or call (626) 325-8366. Enter code PSC2016 for a 25 percent discount!
Founded in 1960, the Pasadena Senior Center is an independent, nonprofit organization that offers recreational, educational, wellness, and social services to people ages 50 and older in a welcoming environment. Services are also provided for frail, low-income, and homebound seniors.