State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announced Wednesday that California students made significant progress in the second year of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) online tests, with the percentage of students meeting or exceeding standards increasing at every grade and in every student group.
Nearly half the students tested met or exceeded standards in English language arts and nearly four in 10 met or exceeded standards in mathematics.
These online tests, based on California’s challenging academic standards, ask students to write clearly, think critically, and solve complex problems, just as they will need to do in college and on-the-job.
“The higher test scores show that the dedication, hard work, and patience of California’s teachers, parents, school employees, and administrators are paying off. Together we are making progress towards upgrading our education system to prepare all students for careers and college in the 21st century,” Torlakson said.
California provides a dedicated website (http://caaspp.cde.ca.gov) where parents and the public can view and compare aggregated results among schools, districts, and counties, along with statewide results.
The California Department of Education provides a wide range of tools to help parents, teachers and schools understand and use CAASPP results.
These resources include a new website (http://testscoreguide.org) that provides parents with grade-by-grade, subject-by-subject information at all levels of achievement; detailed online guides for parents and teachers to use in analyzing results; and practice tests at every grade level in English.