The recent Sand Fire’s close proximity to Wildlife WayStation forced a mandatory evacuation that began on Saturday morning. The fire chief allowed the evacuation to stop at 7:30 p.m. Saturday night – right now about 75 percent of the animals have been moved to numerous different locations and everyone is waiting for the “all clear” so they can slowly start making their way back.
Although the fire got very close, nothing was burned at the WayStation – but there was still some serious money spent to evacuate.
According to Martine Colette, founder and director of the Wildlife Waystation, the wild and exotic animal residents who were evacuated over the past weekend were able to return yesterday afternoon (7/27). Among the returning evacuees were lions, tigers, bears, hyenas, cougars, and more.

The Wildlife WayStation is a 160-acre private animal sanctuary located in the Angeles National Forest, just north of Los Angeles. They are home to over 400 wild and exotic animals, comprising over 125 different species.
Staff and volunteers are devoted to providing a place of refuge, healing, and safety for animals in need. The sanctuary is supported solely by the generous donations of individuals and foundations worldwide.
If you can help, please contact the sanctuary at: www.WildlifeWayStation.org.