A Little Easier Recovery, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is thrilled to announce a collaboration with Ford Warriors in Pink. A Little Easier Recovery provides a free program to advanced breast cancer patients enduring extensive surgery. This new partnership will allow 500 women to receive a free Jacki® recovery jacket to help manage mastectomy needs, including those being treated at City of Hope.
A Little Easier Recovery’s founder created the Jacki® recovery jacket while going through breast cancer treatment, beginning at mastectomy reconstruction and lymph node surgery. The Jacki® was designed along the lines of “What would Jackie O. wear?” if she had to endure breast surgery.
The Jacki® program helps restore dignity, manage painful postsurgical drains and surgical wounds. Its classic, incognito style allows women to do more, feel better, and live a better quality of life. The compassionate oncology teams distribute the Jacki® directly to patients scheduled for mastectomy surgery. We are privileged to have helped so many amazing women by providing this proven, unique solution to make getting through this difficult time a little easier. Learn more by visiting www.alittleeasierrecovery.org.
It is an honor to be part of the Ford Warriors in Pink More Good Days initiative. It is a privilege to help these incredible women enduring treatment and to provide more good days beginning immediately following breast cancer surgery. This partnership will now help post-mastectomy patients have “a little easier recovery” with a lot of style.
To date, A Little Easier Recovery and its Jacki® program have helped more than 17,000 breast cancer patients. We know there is nothing easy about a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. But there are tools and resources that can ease the burden.

A Little Easier Recovery is extremely grateful to have its program accelerated by the generosity and support of Ford Warriors in Pink. According to Maureen Cardinal, executive director, “These women enduring advanced breast cancer treatment and extensive surgery are facing the longest road ahead, with each phase seeming more difficult than the next. It is important to remember these women are fighting not only for their lives, but for their lives back. It is an honor and privilege to know we have helped make it ‘a little easier’ with the support of Ford Warriors in Pink.”
Now for 22 years strong, Ford Warriors in Pink continues to help in the fight against breast cancer, so far dedicating more that $130 million to the cause. Warriors in Pink has granted more than 60,000 more good day experiences – everything from free rides to treatment centers, to meal and errand scheduling – as part of its More Good Days initiative.
Year two of the program aims to bring about even more good days, by adding new services in response to patients’ most pressing needs. More information about these services, as well as additional tips, tools, and resources for providing good days, is available on www.fordcares.com.
Jacki® jackets were created to help post-mastectomy patients have more good days with dignity and style restored. We are working with A Little Easier Recovery to provide Jacki® jackets to 500 post-mastectomy patients in treatment. Visit http://ford.to/29zNYWS for more details.
The mission of A Little Easier Recovery is to empower cancer patients to regain their dignity and control and lead a better quality of life through all phases of their cancer treatment and recovery with established free educational programs.
For more information, contact Maureen Cardinal, executive director of A Little Easier Recovery, by calling (978) 689-9326 or emailing info@ALittleEasierRecovery.org.