
Golden State Water Company Adjusts Foothill District Conservation Standard

American, Wonder Horse, spring rocking horse, circa 1940. – Courtesy photo / Marlyn Woo/Joanne Wilborn
All outdoor irrigation must occur before 8 a.m. or after 7 p.m., and should not exceed 10 minutes per station. - Courtesy photo
All outdoor irrigation must occur before 8 a.m. or after 7 p.m., and should not exceed 10 minutes per station. – Courtesy photo


Effective immediately, customers may water outdoor landscapes up to three days per week and state-issued conservation mandates have been replaced with new voluntary reduction targets.

All outdoor irrigation must occur before 8 a.m. or after 7 p.m., and should not exceed 10 minutes per station. Restrictions do not apply for trees or edible vegetation watered solely by drip or micro-spray systems.

“Our customers have done a tremendous job reducing water use during this drought, and we encourage our communities to remain diligent with their conservation efforts,” said Benjamin Lewis, general manager of the Foothill District for Golden State Water. “It’s important that we keep our existing conservation momentum, as the state will likely consider new conservation regulations in 2017. While some parts of the state received much-needed relief from dry conditions during the winter and spring months, California remains in a drought emergency and we must make efficient water use a way of life to protect our state’s vulnerable water supplies.”

The adjusted conservation standards are aligned with the State Water Resources Control Board’s (State Water Board) shift to locally-developed conservation strategies, as outlined in the state’s emergency drought regulations issued on May 18, 2016. These standards could be revised pending the State Water Board’s verification of data on drought supply reliability and demand, or developments related to local water supply conditions and conservation. Golden State Water will continue to monitor and assess local conditions and implement measures as appropriate based on water reliability and sustainability.

Additionally, customers are reminded that the following practices that waste potable water are prohibited in California, per Governor Jerry Brown’s Executive Order issued on May 9, 2016:

– Hosing off sidewalks, driveways, and other hardscapes.

– Washing a motor vehicle with a hose, unless the hose is fitted with a shut-off nozzle.

– Operating a fountain or decorative water feature, unless the water is part of a re-circulating system.

– Watering outdoor landscapes in a manner that causes excess runoff or within 48 hours following measurable precipitation.

– Irrigation with potable water of ornamental turf on public street medians.

Please visit gswater.com for additional information on local conservation standards, drought updates, and conservation resources, or call Golden State Water’s 24-hour customer service center at (800) 999-4033. Customers can follow Golden State Water on Twitter (@GoldenStateH2O) for real-time information about the drought and local water service.

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