In accordance with the water and sewer rate schedule that was adopted by the city on Oct. 6, 2015, every July 1 (from July 1, 2016, through July 1, 2020) a CPI adjustment will be made to Monrovia’s overall water and sewer rates that customers will see, beginning with their August 2016 bill.
Pursuant to the adopted fee schedule, the CPI adjustment amount will be equal to the annual percentage increase in the Construction Cost Index (CCI), as provided by the Engineering News-Record reported for March 1.
Staff has reviewed the CCI for March 2016, which identifies an increase of 2.7 percent.
For the typical residential customer, a 2.7 percent CPI rate adjustment will result in a $1.05-per-month water bill increase and a 24-cent-per-month sewer bill increase.