Pasadena residents and businesses are reminded that city hall, many city services, and administrative business offices will be closed on Monday, May 30, in observance of Memorial Day, a national day of remembrance for the brave men and women of the US military who died in the line of duty for our country. Specific closures and exceptions are noted below.
– The Pasadena Police and Fire Departments will be staffed for all patrol, jail, fire, paramedic, and other emergency services, but not business or administrative offices. For any life-threatening emergencies, always remember to call 911. “If You See Something, Say Something” by calling police at (626) 744-4241 to help keep us all safe.
– The city council will not meet on Monday, May 30. The next regularly scheduled council meeting is at 6:30 p.m., June 6, in the council chambers on the second floor of city hall. A special joint meeting of the council and its finance committee regarding the recommended Fiscal Year 2017 Operating Budget will begin at 3 p.m. on June 6.
– Pasadena residents and businesses with any power emergencies should call the Pasadena Water and Power (PWP) Department at (626) 744-4673 and for water-related emergencies call (626) 744-4138. PWP’s regular customer call center will be closed for the holiday, but customers can access their accounts and pay bills online at or by calling (626) 744-4005.
– The city’s municipal services payment center at city hall will be closed, as will the parking office for citation payments at 221 E. Walnut St. The Pasadena Public Health Department’s travel and immunization clinic will also be closed. Go to for more information.
– The Citizen Service Center, (626) 744-7311,, will be open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on May 30, but will return to normal hours, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., on May 31.
– Trash, recycling, and yard waste pickups will be on the regular schedule, but there will be no bulky item pickups on Memorial Day.
– Pasadena Transit bus service and Dial-A-Ride transportation will not operate on Memorial Day, but will resume regular service May 31. All parking meters not posted as a “No Parking” zone will be free on May 30 and time limits will not be enforced. Violations for overnight parking, red curb parking, no-parking zones, and blocking fire hydrants will be enforced. All regular enforcement resumes May 31.
All branches of the Pasadena Library will be closed May 30, with normal hours resuming May 31. All community centers operated by the human services and recreation department will be closed, but all parks will be open for picnics, fun, and play. No site reservations are accepted for the holiday.
The city wishes all to have a safe holiday and to celebrate responsibly as we remember those in military service who made the ultimate sacrifice for the United States of America.
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