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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Monrovia Weekly / Old Town Report (5/19/16 Issue)

Old Town Report (5/19/16 Issue)

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Old Town Monrovia. - Courtesy photo

Old Town Monrovia. – Courtesy photo


There is no way to begin this week’s column without commenting on last week’s Monrovia Days events, which took place Saturday, May 14, and Sunday, May 15. The parade was charming; the events involved the entire community – especially the dunk tank and the pie eating contest. Any time elected officials and staff set themselves up (on purpose) for public humiliation, I am totally impressed.

A special “thank you” to our own Old Town business owner Keely Milliken – without her “Centre Stage” we would not be where we are today with this event! Now, let us work to get even more sponsors and supporters so we can afford to continue this birthday bash for years to come.

Good news for our Old Town Wells Fargo: after many months of waiting, Wells now has an official branch manager! I am hoping to get them back into the loop working with the Merchant Co-op!

Interesting tidbit: Nikki Felix from Wells Fargo was telling me their beautiful stagecoach and horses are housed by a SoCal contractor who has a ranch where he cares for both the horses and the coach. Speaking of horses, what do you think about a horse-drawn carriage as part of our Old Town Holiday festivities? (I was thinking for rides around the Historic District). We just have to find a good place for the carriage to be stationed and visible between rides.

This last Wednesday we had a Honda commercial filmed on Myrtle in the 400 block, so watch for its premier. Filming can be the “gift that keeps on giving,” especially when it involves a major product commercial or a hit TV series. I enjoy my role as the “Old Town Film Liaison” whenever (well, almost whenever) a film crew comes to town, and some of them bring us lasting memories (almost as enjoyable as when I, through a surrogate, dumped Council Member Blackburn into the icy waters of Saturday’s dunk tank!). Alex Blackburn, you are a good sport!

And, for the Old Town business update: the Myrtle Tree Café is now officially open, and they are inviting the public to a celebration this coming Saturday, May 21, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Their posted sign says “Wine, Cheese, & Chocolate Tasting.”

Also, Jake’s Roadhouse has passed the Historic Preservation review and will be allowed to do some remodeling of what used to be Golden West Army/Navy Supply (just south of the existing Jake’s). Next step for Tony and his crew is to appear before the planning commission for approval of their amended ABC permit.

The Sow House, on the southeast corner of Myrtle and Lime, received their CUP (Conditional Use Permit) for live entertainment and the Peach Café will begin serving Friday night dinners as of May 27!

No luck on my end getting any information about plans for the two large vacant spaces in the 300 block, nor have I had any luck finding out what on earth is happening at Frost My Cake (the business that purchased the old Monrovia Bakery building in the 500 block of South Myrtle).

Same story for Copper Still Grill … no updates, still waiting. What I do know about the last two buildings is that they both have code enforcement issues pending that I wish would come to some resolution that includes cleaning up their facades!

And, after a thorough report at their meeting on May 12, The Monrovia Old Town Advisory Board (MOTAB) asked City Manager Oliver Chi to pass on to the city council their support of Raw Inspirations as our next Monrovia Street Fair contractor. The request is expected to be approved, but there is no exact date for a new operator to take over.

We are constantly updating our Old Town Facebook page, so if you want to know what is up in Old Town, give us a “Like!”

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