Here is a buzz phrase you will be hearing a lot more of as part of our brave new world of health care: “integrative care settings.”
Not to worry: This time, if you are a patient, you may actually wind up liking what it means for you. Basically, we are talking about providing different types of care under one roof. Which makes sense when you consider that: (a) we have already begun moving away from a “sickcare” model, where many patients only visit a doctor when their health has declined to one emphasizing a more preventative “wellness-based care;” and (b) the “team approach” to care has also made headway.
“MDs are already focusing on sick-care, so who’s the expert in wellness and preventative care?” Kenneth C. Thomas, DC, a member of the Council on Chiropractic Education, wrote in an article for the Chiropractic Summit, which brings together leading voices in fields like education, research, and government. His answer, not surprisingly, was doctors of chiropractic, known for their drug-free approach to treating disorders of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. But guess what? Not only have major companies already incorporated chiropractic care in their on-site health clinics – there is that integrative approach for you – but chiropractors are increasingly co-managing a wide variety of patients ranging from professional athletes to members of the military. And research suggests chiropractic’s benefits include: lower health care costs, enhanced patient outcomes, and higher patient satisfaction.
“I think we’re looking at a more collaborative, patient-centered focus where chiropractors have an important role to play,” says Gerard Clum, DC, from the not-for-profit Foundation for Chiropractic Progress.
To learn more or to locate a doctor of chiropractic in your area, visit www.F4CP.org/findadoctor.