On May 12, 2016 at 10:00 AM, the City of Pasadena hosted the 2016
Pasadena Police and Fire Memorial in front of Pasadena City Hall.
This was the 5th annual event that honors past, present and future first responders in our community.
Officials, Police and Fire personnel and community members also honored Pasadena first responders
who died in the line of duty serving the people that live, work and visit in Pasadena.
The program included brief speeches from Mayor Terry Tornek, Police Chief Phillip L. Sanchez
and Deputy Fire Chief Jon Trautwein, along with the Presentation of Colors, the National Anthem,
the traditional 21-Gun Salute, Ringing of Bell, and Taps by USMC. Family members listened intently as
the fallen heroes who were being remembered with a public reading of their names. To date,
seven Pasadena Police Officers and nine Firefighters have lost their lives serving our community.